Starry, Ken, Shermeeny, Ah Sheng and I went to ECP to cycle on a sunny sunday. We cycled for 3 hours from the start of ECP to Changi park then back to ECP again, approximately 25 km. Our leg muscles were burning very intensely after the cycle. It was indeed a great workout for all of us. While we cycled, we took lots of fun photos too. Look @ our hot bods in progress... All our 6 packs abs appearing soon. Yeah!
After cycling, we went to support Jia Hui's Cheesecup Pop-up Store (Jara Petit) @ 15 Bussorah Street.
The cheesecups are very pretty, cute and tasty. There are 6 different types of flavors: Classics, Durian, Matcha, Cookies and cream, Blueberry and Lemon, and my favorites are Matcha, Durian and Cookie and cream. They are so yummy. I will definitely recommend these lovely cheesecups to my friends.